Thursday, June 3, 2010

Best Aunt Ever!!

Recent camera problems have prevented me from downloading, and therefore blogging on any new photos, so I thought I would re-visit some of my favorite old photos.

One of my favorite photo subjects have always been my neices and nephews and with 8 siblings, it seems I always have new subject matter!
Being an aunt(the best aunt ever), has been one of the most enjoyable things in my life. Mostly because I can get my fill of kids and then give them back, no strings attached! My mom always said she never knew what she laughed at until she had kids. I have mixed feelings over this statement. Makes me feel sad that she didn't have other things in her life to bring her joy, but yet I know exactly what she meant.
Kids are SUPER funny, they do and say crazy, surprising things that are Readers Digest, 'Laughter is the Best Medicine', worthy! Here are a few examples that come to mind...
During the time when car seats were becoming mandatory for all children, my niece Liz, at about age 3 or 4 was looking at a Christmas nativity scene. As she was naming everyone in the scene, she suddenly announced, "And there's baby Jesus in his car seat!" Apparently to Liz, it wasn't a manger, but a very safe and secure car seat that the baby Jesus was lying in. Liz is now engaged to be married, that would be good material to bring up at her wedding! :)
Ashlyn was once yelling at her dog Theo, when she was about 3 and told him that if he didn't get over here right now, she was going to kick his ASK! Well, at least she didn't swear; that's what she thought people were saying!
Recently Jacob was getting reprimanded for faking being sick and having to stay home from school which consequently made mom have to stay home from work. His dad asked him, "Jacob do you know what mom makes at work?" He was going for money, but very sincerely Jacob asked, "Banana bread?" How do you not start laughing in the middle of your scolding?
I'm sure these are typical of the things my mom was talking about. And I can truely see her point. I never dreamed I wouldn't have children of my own, but life doesn't always turn out how you expect, sometimes it's even better! I have the best of both worlds and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
Enjoy the photos of my "kids", they are one of the BEST parts of my life!


  1. Ok, yes I know I only have 7 siblings. I blame any typos, mistakes, errors, etc. on being blonde and that's not my fault!

  2. Great, heartwarming story Robin! Love the new look of your blog home page too!

  3. Thanks Betty! Sorry it took me so long to get your comment posted...I do appeciate it, though!
