Monday, June 21, 2010

The Color Purple

I like things to match. Sometimes I am VERY matchy, matchy. It is something that people notice about me and it's a quality in myself that I like. I think it's a way of expressing my creativity and it's become part of who I am...and I'm ok with that.
I guess I just like color in general...color is emotion and it can create a feeling. I am one of those people who is not afraid of color and the walls in my house and the clothes in my closet are definitely NOT white!

My favorite color is pink, but I also like purple, all shades of it and all girls know that purple and pink match or "go together".
Actually, the color purple encourages creativity, so if you are trying to get those creative juices flowing, think PURPLE! Remember the book "Harold and the Purple Crayon"? He made all sorts of creative, amazing things with his purple crayon!
Purple is also calming to the mind and nerves, is uplifting and offers a sense of spirituality. Purple has always been known to be associated with royalty, and being the princess that I am, this seems fitting!

The history of purple dates back to 1856 when a man named William Henry Perkin discovered a recipe for a purple dye. The dye was made from coal tar and was named Mauveine. I assume that is where the color mauve came from.
Shades of purple are often used in stained glass, not only for it's spiritual significance, but the color violet is seen as uniting the "wisdom" of blue and the "love" of red. Leonardo da Vinci believed that the power of meditation increased ten times in purple light, as in the purple light of stained glass. Hence, one of the reasons we see purple used in windows of churches old and new, to this day.

I have quite a few varieties of purple flowers in my garden, some of which you see in these photos. Purple seemed to work well with my house color, which is a shade of yellow or gold. When I first moved into my house the porch light had a green light bulb in it...I guess the former owners were big Packer fans. I quickly changed that. :) Anyway, in doing research for this blog post I discovered that yellow and purple are complimentary colors (just ask the Vikings!), so maybe this color/matching thing is just a little instinctive in me. Hmmm, I don't know...I think I just like things to look nice!

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