Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Goin' Hawaiian

I have to admit, the photos this time are not mine. I didn't take them, but wish I could have. Someday...
I have been longing to go to Hawaii for some time now. It's always been my version of paradise, and from what I have heard, it is. My first thoughts of a trip to Hawaii were for my honeymoon that never happened back in 1997. Long over that devastation, the thought of going to Hawaii wasn't real high on my list, knowing that there were other cheaper options for tropical vacations. Then I met my friends...they go every other year to the island of Kauai for two weeks, and once again, I was pumped up to start dreaming about a Hawaiian vacation. It wasn't until about a year ago that I actually started saving for my trip; every spare dime I have gets thrown into my Hawaii account. Right now I have about enough saved for air's a start! My plan is to go when I am 45, I'll do the math for you, that's in the year 2012.
In the mean time, I plan my trip at least a couple of times a month. I go through all the motions online; get the flights (sometimes first class, a girl's gotta dream big), the oceanfront condo, the fresh lei greeting and all the other excursions I want, and of course the convertible, that is a MUST! I do everything except hit the "pay now" button, but I am so looking forward to the day when I can actually do that! That will be a great day!
My friends leave in about a week for their 2 week vacation and I look forward to many more beautiful pictures and vivid descriptions of this paradise-like place I dream of. For now, I will be there with them in spirit and will keep dreaming and planning my trip where I will actually get to experience living "aloha". After all, isn't dreaming a form of planning and reaching your goals? I think so...Aloha!


  1. Robin,

    Great post! Those photos look even better than I remember. Especially the one of the Kalalau Valley. We'll take more pics for you this year. I have a feeling, we will enjoy this vacation more than any other we have taken. Life is good! I predict you will be in Kauai sooner than you think. Keep dreaming and it will happen faster than you realize!

  2. I agree Bonnie, the pics are just beautiful...I even get a little verklempt just looking at them and I haven't even been there...yet! I can't think of a more deserving couple to enjoy this upcoming vacation...are you sure I can't fit in your carry on...I've been running you know. :)
    Blessings to YOU for the best time ever!
