Monday, April 5, 2010

Au Naturel

I was introduced to angel cards by a friend several years ago as a way to achieve more clarity and tap into my own intuition with things that were happening in my life. They were comforting in their guidance and fun in how relevant they were to life's events.
I now pull them several times a week and recently had pulled "Your Children Are Watched Over By Angels" a couple of days in a row. At first I'm thinking the angels got it wrong again because I have no children, but then the card also said something about taking care of my inner child and to play and have fun, something I hadn't done for a while.
As I headed home for the Easter holiday I kept "fun" in the back of my head waiting for the perfect opportunity to bring out my inner child. Sunday afternoon rolled around and although it had been a nice weekend, I wasn't feeling real childlike, so you better believe that when my nephew asked me to go four-wheeling, I jumped at the chance!
I am fortunate to have grown up on 140 acres of wooded land; beautiful trees, lots of songbirds and big and little critters. Being in these woods always reminded me of my childhood and this time was no different. Sometimes I think it's just nature itself that makes you feel carefree and uninhibited. I used to walk these woods and play in them for hours when I was young, I even said my first cuss word out loud in these woods!
Now today, with the breeze blowing through my hair and the smell of spring in the air, I thought this is what my spirit needed, this was FUN!
I hadn't been on a four-wheeler since I was in my thirties and back then I was four-wheeling on the ski hills of Ironwood Michigan wearing nothing from the waist up but my bra and a pair of sunglasses; enjoying the cooler of drinks that was strapped to the front of my ride!
So what happened between my 30's and 40's? At what point did I lose my ability to be foot-loose and fancy free; child-like in my actions at least some of the time?
I think those angels were on to something. In the course of this ride, experiencing nature and doing something that I hadn't for a long time, even though it was only for 20 minutes, my spirit was renewed. It was just what the angels had suggested and just what I needed! It was a good reminder for me, to cut loose and do the things that make me laugh and smile, even if they weren't so adult-like.
Sometimes in this adult world, we just need to kick back and bounce up and down on the proverbial four-wheeler! So, whether it's singing loudly in the shower or in the car or dancing wildly while cleaning your house, or even skinny dipping in the Holiday Inn pool (did I say that out loud?),I'm thinking these days, a bit of the Peter Pan Syndrome is not such a bad thing!


  1. Great post, Robin! You've got a real knack for writing.
    You are right....we all need to get on that "proverbial four-wheeler" more often. But, skinny-dipping at the Holiday Inn??? Hmmmm, maybe not. I prefer the Comfort Suites!
