Monday, March 29, 2010

Wu Wei

As my friend Bonnie and I were sitting having lunch and discussing this new adventure of blogging, I asked her, "What would I blog about?" After some conversation and very yummy coconut shrimp, it was decided that I would post my photos and just talk about them...where I was, what the picture is of, what it means to me, etc.
Blogging, this was exciting stuff. Both of us were looking for ways to be more creative and generate more streams of revenue; continually searching for a more fullfilling life. Was blogging the key or was wu wei the key? I mentioned to Bonnie that I had posted on Facebook that I was "in a state of wu wei". She laughed and said, "yes", as she was very familiar with this term from the book, 'When the Heart Waits'. But another friend wondered what this was and how did I get it. I told her, it's just something you decide. It is allowing yourself to be taken down your life's path. Just letting life happen as it's meant to, but being aware and open to the signs that you should follow. In the book it's described as fishing without bait. "...sometimes it's not the fish I'm after, it's the fishing."
So with this first of many blog posts, I am letting wu wei be my guide. All I know, is that right now this is part of my path and I am enjoying it.
I hope you find peace in this "path" picture I took at the Green Bay Botanical Gardens. This mid summer shot shows the gardens in all their colorful splendor!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed Robin! Very pretty and a very well written blog!!
