Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back in the Routine

Routine doesn't have to be boring, in fact, I am looking forward to getting into the routine of things again.
The busy part of my summer has come to an end, culminating in my family reunion that I hosted here in Green Bay. Now taking into consideration that "busy" is a relative term, I am sure that a single girls' busy-ness can be much different from someone who has a family and children. And with the start of fall and school, and sports getting into full-swing, a lot of people may just be getting into their busiest part of the year. But, not me. I am anxiously awaiting routine, getting back to the things that give me a sense of control. (Yes, I do need to be in control sometimes, or I'll go CRAZY...and keep your comments regarding this to yourself, please:)
But, like I said, routine doesn't have to be boring and I have lots of things to occupy my time that I am looking forward to.

I want to start training and getting back in shape for another 5k in October and work on losing 10 lbs. in the next three months. I want to continue blogging and journaling on a more regular basis about and for things I want to happen in my life. I want to get a better handle on my finances and focus on saving for my dream trip to Hawaii. This may include tucking a bit more away and picking up more hours at work, so being organized in all of this will be key. I want to cook more and eat healthier, and I want to read more books that help me focus on achieving my dreams.
Instead of fall being the season of things dying down and preparing for hunkering down for the winter, I am choosing to look at it like it's spring; instead, a season of renewal, trying new things and adventures. And although much of what I am doing isn't new for me and is just getting back into my routine, I am going to "up" the intensity and throw in some new twists so it's not boring.
One things I am really looking forward to is a trip to Hilton Head South Carolina in December. I am going with some friends that I have never traveled with before, so that alone is an adventure! But also, I have never been to South Carolina and I am attending a conference that is not work related, but yet deals with health and medicine, and I've never been to anything like it before either. The conference is sponsored by NICABM, The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine and is the 22ND annual Psychology of Health, Immunity, and Disease Conference.
Why you ask, am I going to this? Well, I have asked myself that same question. I guess I am looking at it as an adventure and an opportunity. I will have free time to spend sight seeing and walking the beaches of Hilton Head Island, and I find many of the topics being presented at the conference very interesting, so I might just learn something. I have come to learn to pay attention to signs along the way and something told me just to , "GO FOR IT!" After all, I just can't be sure that I won't use this knowledge somewhere down the road...you just never know!!
As far as vacations go, I feel, ideally they should create positive memories and consist of spending time with yourself, but also with people you enjoy; doing things that make you happy and feel good. On this trip I am getting all of these!

I have a little mantra I am using for the upcoming fall that came to me while watching the Packer Family Night fireworks on TV this past Saturday. It's taken from a hit song by Journey..."Don't stop believing, hold on to that feeling!"
I think if we use this phrase for any dream, goal, or even obstacles that we come across in life, it may just help push us through to the next step we need. As long as the feeling is good, and we have the belief that things can be better, we will achieve and have fun along the way! Enjoy the pics of some of my "routines" and adventures!


  1. I like your attitude, Robin! Keep your goals in front of you and your foot on the accelerator, and soon your 'Just go for it' mantra will bring you to your dreams.

  2. Great thoughts and what a positive attitude! Keep it up - you can do anything you set your mind to - and having fun on the way -- abundance!!!! Lynnette
